Thursday, September 8, 2011

Felipe Camiroaga: It’s more than television, it’s a way of life

Felipe Camiroa2ga Amanda Saviñón Felipe Camiroaga: It’s more than television, it’s a way of life
Felipe Camiroaga “The Falcon of Chicureo”. Photo credit:BEDUL
According to his fans, Felipe Camiroaga is one of the most illustrious hosts in Chile. This self- declared nature-lover has been entertaining the Chilean public for more than 20 years.
Currently Felipe has been involved in a plane crash off the coast of Chile’s Juan Fernández Island
by Francisca de la Vega Planet
Felipe started his career as a quiet cameraman’s assistant at a TV sta- tion, but he had his sights set higher.
He was looking for an opportunity when suddenly, completely out of the blue, he got his lucky break: the producers of a famous TV show for young people believed Camiroaga the perfect entertainer to host the show.
The talent of Camiroaga to communicate and en- tertain the audience was recognized by others in Chile. Not long after, the offer of his life was made.
Executives from the most popular morning show in Chile considered Camiroaga the only one capable of commanding a ship that was about to weigh anchor: the morning show, “Buenos Dias a Todos” (good morning everybody).
Felipe Camiroaga made his first humble steps to launch his career as co-host of the popular, “Buenos Días a Todos.” “This hasn’t been easy, that’s for sure.” Commented Camiroaga.
The well-known “Falcon of Chicureo” has faced challenges, success and defeats, but according to him the key is that he always tries “to keep a low profile.”
He is actually very shy, even though we see him hosting a four-hour show making the audience laugh and cry, in real life he tries to keep it cool and enjoy the simple life as much as possible.
However, to have a normal life can be very difficult for a celebrity like Camiroaga. For example, a simple trip to a supermarket can be challenging because fans surround him for a photo or an autograph. This is something Felipe has to deal with on a daily basis, but what can you expect as host of the most important television show in Chile.
For 20 years “Buenos Dias a Todos” has been the most popular morning show and Felipe has been the star entertainer. Since 2005, Felipe has had the show as his first priority. “It’s more than a TV show, it’s a life style,” he says. Felipe knows the effect the morning show has on the audience, despite many negative me- dia campaigns and other shows to undermine his work, “Buenos Días a Todos” has a strong crew that works with him everyday to give a quality program to its loyal audience. He says, “TVN represents an impassioned concept of making quality programing that I share, it really feels like home.”
The fame of Felipe Camiroaga is known overseas, he even had an offer from Univision to work on its morning show in Miami, but he rejected it. He felt that it wasn’t the right time to leave TVN or his country. Instead he decided to renew his contract with the station.
Anybody could question why a Chilean host doesn’t accept an offer to work overseas, maybe it’s hard to understand, but knowing Felipe Camiroaga it was the most logical answer. It’s related to his personality; he was raised in a family very close to nature.
The country way of life, he says, “was the most wonderful gift from my dad. He would take us to the museum of natural science or to the country for a ride.” From his father, Felipe developed his love of animals and of nature.
Camiroaga built a house in the countryside outside of Santiago 15 years ago and used it not only as a refuge for himself, but for the animals he takes care of. He has horses, dogs, a donkey and even a rare type of monkey: a papio.
Nevertheless the most important animals for Felipe are his falcons, “Once I get home my 8 dogs greet me and then I always go to check on my falcons.” That’s why Felipe is known as “The Falcon of Chicureo” and he makes fun of himself calling his shelter Falconland.
He loves to be by himself there, enjoying the peace, his animals, and quiet rides through his land. But sometimes he opens his door to invite the people he really loves to share a good time. According to his co-workers he is a very generous man, grateful for what he has and willing to reward the people around him for all their hard work.

Harsh Weather May Have Contributed To Chilean Plane Crash

 Chilean TV presenter Felipe Camiroaga (left) who was on board the downed aircraft, in Buenos días a todo with Tonka Tomicic, Marta Larraechea, and Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, in 2009. Image Eduardo Frei Ruiz Tagle
So, why is this handsome man still single? Being in a relationship is not a priority for him at the moment. Even though he is a famous Chilean Casanova, he is focused on his work and rebuilding his life with his family and animals. He doesn’t consider himself as the most wanted single Chilean man, but Chilean women would say the opposite. Although Felipe is not interested in marriage at the moment, being in his forties has made him think about parenthood. He has seriously considered adopting a child by his own.
Unfortunately, last February a fire destroyed his dream home taking away many precious memories, most of them of his family. He was devastated and according to Felipe, “to lose this place, to see my house burn down, was a real nightmare”.
Felipe has another passion: to travel. He loves to explore new places around the world, and every time he can, he goes to Spain to visit his family and to en joy the country. But where he likes the most to go is around Chile; he loves his country. He enjoys to go places where nobody else goes, to be as far as possible of the civilization and to be 100% in contact with the environment. “My favorite place is the Chilean south, I just love the colors of nature there. I totally recommend it,” he says.
This is Felipe Camiroaga, an average man with a great talent to communicate and a big sense of humor. Currently he’s taking things easy as he tries to recover his beloved refuge. But he wakes up very early every day just to say to his loyal Chilean audience, “Buenos Días a Todos.”

Private funeral for Salvador Allende, slain in 1973

The funeral for Salvador Allende, the Chilean president who died in a bloody 1973 military coup, will be held in private out of respect for victims of the weekend's plane crash at Robinson Crusoe Island, the family said in a statement.Allende's remains were exhumed in May and examined in a bid to unravel mysteries surrounding his death during the coup. Experts concluded he committed suicide, and was not murdered as some had alleged.
Allende, who was president from 1970 to 1973, was originally scheduled to be reburied September 4 in a public ceremony scheduled to coincide with the 41th anniversary of the elections that swept the socialist Allende to office.
The funeral however was postponed following the September 2 plane crash that killed 21 people, including top Chilean media personalities.
Allende's bones are being held at the Legal Medical Service, where the remains of several crash victims have been taken.
Separately, President Sebastian Pinera announced that the Chilean air force has asked a special judge to look into the cause of the plane crash.
The announcement comes amid a swirl of criticism over the military plane's flight plan and the lack of experience of the 26 year-old pilot.
The CASA 212 turbo-prop plane went down during a failed attempt to land on Robinson Crusoe, the main island of the Juan Fernandez archipelago, which lies in the Pacific some 700 kilometers (435 miles) west of the South American coastline.

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